
Which Serena1881 personality are you?


Do you love to travel or do you prefer to stay at home relaxing? Hard workouts or long walks with your dog? Handcraft afternoons or intense work sessions?

Fill out the questionnaire and find out that your personality #why you are and what is the most suitable wine for you!

Find out your Personality @ Vinitalty 2022

During the weekend I can … 

1. What is the weekend? I have to work!
2. Change the decor of my home
3. Do yoga and relax
4. Spend time with my dog
5. Workout!
6. Go visit a winery

I enjoy the company of…

1. My teammates 
2. My family 
3. Netflix!
4. My friends
5. My colleagues 
6. People I met while on holiday

In my dreams...

1. I’m at Hogwarts 
2. I’m walking in a forest 
3. I’m travelling around the world 
4. I have an empire 
5. I dunno, I just need to sleep 
6. I’m at the olympics 

What best describes me between …

1. Montblanc 
2. Gym shoes 
3. House keys
4. Passport
5. Meditation apps
6. Leaf

My favourite TV show is…

1. Billions
2. Sex & City 
3. On the Road
4. Rocky
5. Masterchef
6. Grey’s Anatomy

All 5 questions completed!

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Find out your Personality @ Vinitalty 2022

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