Jeffrey Preston Bezos, better known as Jeff Bezos, is one of the worldwide most known entrepreneurs, founder and current head of Amazon, is the second richest men around the world according to Forbes.
The key to his success has been the ability to look beyond the present, seeing things happen before they even happened.
Thanks to Jeff’s philosophy, in 1994 Amazon was born.
Jeff Bezos Life
Jeff Bezos was born in New Mexico form a single mother and after a few years he moved first to Houston, Texas and then Miami Florida.
In 1986 he graduates in electronic engineering and gets employed in the informatics field in Wall Street, collaborating in the creation of an international trade network for the company Fitel, followed by other employments in firms such as Bankers Trust and the Shaw & Co hedge fund.
In 1994 Bezos decides to start funding his new business, planning on having no proceeds for the next 4-5 years. The initial idea was to have an online library offering a wide range of titles, specialising in the mail order business. During the first few years he started to increase the product supplies including DVDs, video games, cameras and household appliances, reaching a volume of 500 million of articles by 2018.

Not only Amazon
The entrepreneurship genius does not stop at Amazon, but manages to score an infinite series of goals leading him to expand his domain. Some examples?
- In 1998 he becomes Google’s shareholder investing 250.000 dollars that by 2017 will have gained a value equal to 3.1 billions of dollars.
- In 2000 Blue Origin is born, a start-ups’ society based in Texas and specialised in Human Spaceflights.
- In 2013 acquires the Washington Post
- In 2015 tests Amazon Prime Air shipping the products to the clients through drones
- In 2017 acquires a supermarket chain named Whole Foods Market
- In 2018 will open an automated supermarket in Seattle and he’ll acquire PillPack, an online drug store, and together with the bank JP Morgan and the holding Berkshire Hathaway creates a new healthcare service reserved to the employees of these three companies.
Overcoming difficulties
Behind Jeff Bezos’s success, there’s the ability of believing in a project, without remaining stuck on one’s personal beliefs. Suffice to say that at first the company’s name wasn’t Amazon, but Cadabra. Bezos’ lawyer will then convince him to change it since the word sounded too similar to “cadaver”. Relentless was the second option to be considered, and only after Jeff’s colleagues had not given their full approval, at last thinking about the Amazonian river, the longest river on earth, the name Amazon came to life; and the rest is history.
No doubt Jeff Bezos toasted to celebrate the difficulties overcome and the goals achieved. We do not know what he raised the glasses with: if it had been up to us, however, we would have suggested Serena 1881 Prosecco Superiore DOCG Extra Dry.
With its fine perlage and the refined touch of its hints of exotic fruit, this wine lends itself well to accompanying the success of those who start new businesses in the world.
Motivational quotes by Jeff Bezos
Get inspired by the visionary capacity of Amazon’s patron by reading these three mantras that have inspired him through his all career.
- “You must be ready to be misunderstood for a long time””
- “The most important thing is to focus obsessively on the customer”
- “Not evolving and not risking is dangerous”

The message arising from these quotes is to experiment and create something unique. Force yourself everyday to experience something new, something a person is not usually used to in order to push someone out of their own comfort zone to an unexplored land full of opportunities.
The key words to be the main character in your own work life are efficiency, creativity and “no fear” . The lesson taught by one of the most influencing men on earth is to never be scared of making a mistake.
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